Reflections on another win

We are thrilled to announce that our Abey Australia rebrand project was recognised with a BETTER FUTURE WILD Design Award 2024 today!

In celebrating this prestigious recognition, we also spotlight an essential aspect of any successful rebrand: the critical role of a marketing and content strategy in bringing a new brand to life.

A brand is more than just a logo, colour palette, or a set of guidelines. It’s a living, breathing entity built on people that needs to be nurtured and communicated effectively to resonate with its target audience. It requires ongoing care and attention.

Our (multiple) award-winning project showcases an innovative rebrand, designed to set our client apart in a crowded market. Without a dedicated marketing strategy, even the most brilliantly designed brands can fall flat. Here are key reasons why:

Marketing ensures that your new brand reaches your target audience. Without visibility, your brand’s potential remains untapped.

A well-crafted content strategy helps maintain consistency across all platforms, reinforcing your brand’s values and messaging.

Marketing efforts foster engagement with your audience, building relationships, improving customer experience and brand loyalty over time.

Through strategic marketing, you can position your brand effectively against competitors, highlighting your unique value proposition.

At HM we believe in the power of a holistic brand offering. Our work doesn’t stop at delivering a beautiful brand identity. This ongoing collaboration is our favourite part, as it allows us to monitor success and make adjustments to ensure continuous growth and impact.

Winning this Award today is a proud moment for us, and a reminder of our continuous journey toward our clients’ success.

As a winner within a regional design award program, our project was elevated into the WILD Design Awards, a global platform that recognises the very best in design projects every year. This accolade celebrates the hard work, creativity and dedication of our team.

View the nomination.